My baby girl is entered in a cutest baby/kid contest! I was very happy to learn about this contest on Mom Bloggers Club. The contest is being offered by Stephanie Reeder Photography. When I looked into it I was so excited to find that she was local! Her work is lovely you should check her out, her website is
We could win a years worth photography! The contest is based on facebook, so all you have to do is go to her page here click on the like button for her page. Then you will be able to comment and vote for the pictures in the contest album! Adelea is actually the cover photo album :) Please show your support by clicking "like" on her photo! Thanks so much and if you have a contest going on at anytime please feel free to share it- I would love to enter or share about it on my blog.
This is the photo I entered- I accidentally entered the black and white version though!
Memphis Dodge Dealer
9 years ago
voted, what a cutie. :)